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Community Members
ColLab aspires to cultivate an extending community of diversely engaged collaborators, from scientists to farmers to artists to writers to anybody who is interested in ColLab's endeavors and mission. ColLab is founded by Marcela Brugnach and functions under BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, and has a wide ranging scope of initiations open to the public. Below you can see the names and contact information of current ColLab members. Please do not hesitate in reaching out to us concerning your participation in one or more ColLab project (contact information below).
Marcela Brugnach, PhD
I am an Ikerbasque multidisciplinary research professor at BC3 since 2019. My research focuses on the topic of uncertainty in collective decision-making processes in the management and governance of common pool resources;​ that I address from both, theory and practice. I started ColLab because I am a firm believer that, in order to cope with the challenge of climate change, we need new ways of doing things. We need to act collectively, to learn how to cooperate and generate actionable blended knowledge forms that can guide these processes. As such, ColLab gives the space for reflection and transformation: for a collective redefinition of our “common” and a creation of more democratic and just ways and means of governing it. And this, I believe, cannot be done based on science alone, but requires the engagement of all of us, together with our ability to cope with the unknown, the ambiguous and the different.
Violeta Cabello, PhD
I joined BC3 in January 2021, as a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellow. My main research topic is knowledge co-production in wicked socio-ecological problems. I am exploring methods for generating collective experiences and learning that respect and build upon different ways of knowing and feeling the world. I am also a facilitator, searching how to reflexively combine my different abilities and roles. I was a data analyst once, I appreciate the strength in mixing quantitative and qualitative methods. Yet, I believe it is in the quality of a collective research process where the capacity for bearing transformations resides.
Noelia Zafra Calvo, PhD
Jorge Meza Paggi
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